2019 Pay It Forward Giveaway

2019 Pay It Forward Giveaway



 **** WINNER is Nicole Stiles from Facebook******

Pay it Forward Giveaway 2019!!!

This month's giveaway will be for a this handcrafted red and white Christmas bowl!

To enter, just:

  • Twitter Followers
  • 1) Like the event tweet
  • 2) Retweet
  • 3) Message me that you'd like to participate and have done steps 1 and 2
  • Pinterest
  • 1) Repin the event pin
  • 2) Message me that you'd like to participate
  • Facebook & Instagram
  • Follow the directions on the event page (typically like and comment)

Optional Extra Chances to Win!

  • 5 Extra Chances if you are on my Email list (spiritglassllc@gmail.com)
  • 5 Extra Chances if you are on my Rewards program (join via the blue tab at https://www.spiritglassllc.com)
  • 5 Extra chances to win if your comment includes a link to your favorite piece in my online shop
  • 25 Extra chances if you go out of your way to help someone out / do a good deed before 5 pm EST 12/18/19 and note this activity in your message/comment.

IMPORTANT: If you are a member of the email distribution list and/or rewards program, you need to note this in your comment/message in order to gain the extra chances.

Maximum chances to win for this event is 41 (initial entry (1), rewards program (bonus 5), email participant (bonus 5), pay it forward activity (bonus 25))

Unless you've earned additional entry credits, only one entry per person for those following me on Email, Pinterest, Facebook, USA.Life, Twitter, or Instagram (entries are collected via all my social media outlets, not just here).

No purchase necessary to win. Must be 18+ and have entered by 5 pm EST 12/18/19. Void where prohibited by law.

Winner will be announced here evening of 12/18/19.

Family members can enter but the prize will be different - if a family member wins, you'll get a store credit equal to the value of the prize and I'll randomly redraw from the list of non-family entrants to select a new winner.

Please help me out by sharing this blog with your friends and family and letting them know about my work.

My stores are: online: https://www.spiritglassllc.com (check out my winter collection here: https://spirit-glass.myshopify.com/collections/winter), Etsy (https://www.etsy.com/shop/SpiritGlassLLC) and at the Manchester Craft Market in the Manchester NH Mall. Please support your local artisans!

Thanks and Good Luck!




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  • Peter Antal
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